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Which parameters can show the adsorption capacity of activated carbon ?

The parameters that indicate the adsorption capacity of activated carbon are:

Iodine value test
Iodine value test

1. Iodine value (400 ~ 1300): refers to the amount of iodine adsorbed by activated carbon in 0.02N12 / KL aqueous solution. The iodine value is related to the pore surface area with a diameter greater than 10A. The iodine value is one of the criteria for judge the price of activated carbon.

2. Butane value: Butane value is the amount of butane adsorbed per unit weight of activated carbon after saturated air and butane pass through the carbon bed at a specific temperature and specific pressure.

3. Ash content (6-16): There are two types of ash of activated carbon, one is surface ash and the other is internal ash content. Normally, the ash of activated carbon refers to internal ash.

4. Water content (<5): It is a measure of how much water is contained in carbon, that is, the percentage of the weight of water adsorbed in activated carbon.

5. Hardness: The hardness value refers to the resistance of the granular activated carbon to the decay movement of the steel ball in the RO-TAP instrument. Hardness is an indicator for measuring the mechanical strength of activated carbon.

6. Carbon tetrachloride CTC (%): The carbon tetrachloride value is an indicator of the total pore volume, which is measured with a saturated CCI4 gas flow of zero degrees Celsius through a 25 degree carbon bed. That is, the adsorption function of activated carbon depends on the carbon tetrachloride value. The measurement method is to use activated carbon to adsorb carbon tetrachloride, and the measured result is the adsorption rate of activated carbon. Generally, the highest carbon tetrachloride value of activated carbon is 80. Activated carbon manufacturers in Beijing and Hebei have more than 80% to reach 60%.

7. Molasses value:  The molasses value is a method to measure the relative decolorization ability of activated carbon in boiling molasses solution. The molasses value is interpreted as a surface area with a pore diameter greater than 28A. Because molasses is a mixture of multiple components, this parameter must be tested in strict accordance with the instructions. The molasses value is obtained by calculating the ratio of the optical density of the filter by treating the molasses liquid with a standard sample of activated carbon and a sample of activated carbon to be tested.

8. Bulk weight (400-600): Bulk weight is a method of measuring the quality of a specific amount of carbon. By gradually adding activated carbon to a graduated drum to 100cc, and measuring its mass. This value is used to calculate the amount of activated carbon needed to fill a specific adsorption device. Simply put, the bulk weight is the weight of activated carbon per unit volume.

9. Particle density – The particle density is the weight of the particulate carbon per unit volume, excluding the particles and the space between cracks greater than 0.1 mm.

10. Methythioninium Chloride (100-300):   The Methythioninium Chloride value refers to the number of milligrams of Methythioninium Chloride absorbed when a solution of 1.0 g of carbon and a concentration of 1.0 mg / L of Methythioninium Chloride reaches equilibrium.

11. Wear value

The wear value is an index for measuring the wear resistance of activated carbon. The wear value of granular activated carbon indicates that the particles reduce the resistance of the particles during the treatment process. It is calculated by determining the ratio of the average diameter of the final particles to the average diameter of the original particles.

Posted in Activated Carbons, Application, PROPERTIES AND QUALITY

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